
My photo
you don't have to know me, you probably can't judge me either. i'm neither simple nor complicated. just a normal living that you, unfortunately, come across with.
you know, it's like at times you felt really left out.
things that your friend do or say, you just don't understand a single shit.
or they will just left you all alone when you needed some companion.
alright, i can't see what's the point with all these.
nobody really knows or bothers.

sorry, i guess i'm a pain in the neck at times.
i can't kick the habit off me.
i don't wanna be like attracting unwanted attention.
but least, give me some.
i guess i'm contridicting over here.

i don't really know what i want.
at times i feel so drifted that i could not even feel a thing anymore.
maybe i need a space to myself.
a space for me to think really carefully on what's on my mind, in my heart.
i don't wanna have this kind of life that i don't feel great or happy.
can you all like just understand me for a moment?

what's on my mind.

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