
My photo
you don't have to know me, you probably can't judge me either. i'm neither simple nor complicated. just a normal living that you, unfortunately, come across with.

Those words keep replaying in my head.
Actions done causing a lost in me.
I feel shameless, I feel cheap.
I'm another victim, that's what they said.

Though I denied the truth,
But I do feel that I'm pathetic.
I've got no one to turn to.
I admit, I've got a thing for him then.

Such a great lier,
Deceiving the whole world.
You're not everything,
Words have spread, you deserved it.

What are you lacking of?
Nothing but honesty.
You're almost perfect,
But you current actions, disgrace everything.

Such a pity,
Why are you doing this?
What a womaniser,
You ought to be gone.

Your appearance made my heart skipped a beat,
Yet you actions made it shattered.
I don't understand you,
Why are you doing yourself in this manner?

What a shame, I must say.
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

1 comment:

Flying high in the sky.... said...

dont want to use words here..but i got the feel... i am reading your poems because i cant stop myself...please delete the comments in case you feel it is an intrusion ...
