
My photo
you don't have to know me, you probably can't judge me either. i'm neither simple nor complicated. just a normal living that you, unfortunately, come across with.
being doubtful about and un-appreciated.

hell out of it.
i'm just trying to help and hopefully lighten the load of yours.
and what i get in the end?
doubts and questioning.

if you don't know, two heads are way better than one.
so what if i have not done that particular project before?
i've being through the module.

yes, i may not know the exact answers,
but least, i can help to think of the answers, or even research on it.

and you fucking tell me that " if i were you, i'll go to sleep"
fine then, since you said it, i shall just go off and not disturb you.
and ask you to get lost then.

and here you go asking me not to get angry.
i'm not only angry but irritated.
i feel insulted alright.

whatever then, i'll not step into any of your matter anymore.
if you ever ask for help again, i shall not even bother.
i'll just ignore and continue with my stuff.

you're a nice friend to me.
but your acts, kill me sometimes.
i'm not whatever you think i am.

get it?

1 comment:

Peijun/PJ/Peeejay :) said...

Chill darling.. I guess sometimes people don't really appreciate kindness. Just let it be and sleep. Rest is more important!! I see you so tired today :(