
My photo
you don't have to know me, you probably can't judge me either. i'm neither simple nor complicated. just a normal living that you, unfortunately, come across with.
There's times silence is much needed,
Yet there's times that words are needed so badly.
Don't leave it hanging,
Complete that pathetic puzzle of curiosity.

Uncompleted, unanwered.
Annoyance build up.
Fustrations, irritation.
The other suffers.

Just that simple task,
Yet it seem so impossible you made it.
A selfish choice of yours,
Bring deafness into me.

Moving away,
But it just keep coming back.
No leads, no clue.
Just tonnes of unnecessary thinking.

You, left me there.
In pain of the confusion.

Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

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