
My photo
you don't have to know me, you probably can't judge me either. i'm neither simple nor complicated. just a normal living that you, unfortunately, come across with.
no, i really just don't understand alright.
why people do speak words that without thinking.
yea, it really hurt me when those words like stabbing right into me.
you simply made me speechless with your doing.
and unknowing, you fucking bring me all the emo feelings.
i'm not gonna talk to you or her anymore to prevent myself from getting anymore hurt.
this is not the first time.
you all are just so cruel to me.

so what if i'm left on the shelve forever?
does it even bother you?
even if i become some old hag, it's none of your business.
and i'd be happy to be one!
you spoiled my happy mood.

shall update later in the day when i cool everything off.

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