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you don't have to know me, you probably can't judge me either. i'm neither simple nor complicated. just a normal living that you, unfortunately, come across with.
when one fall sick, it sucks.

gosh, have being really nauseous today.
best thing is today morning event.

was taking bus to school, then halfway there, i started to feel so nauseous that i know i couldn't continue the ride any long.
alighted at bishan and rush to the toliet.

gastric juice and yesterday's breakfast(didn't have any appetite the whole day after that.)
then my stomach, too, played tricks on me.
so come diarrhea, and so damn unlucky, aunt came too.

so i was like stuck in the toilet for whole 15mins.
perspiring like madness till my hair was wet too.
quite shock when i look into the mirror.

yes, i'm still puking up till now.
whole day already, the nauseousness is killing me big time.
hope i'll feel better tomorrow.

anyway, guess today out of 4 cab trips, 2 cab trips almost killed me.
but, i'll only tell you why tomorrow.

i'm feeling so shag now.
red light blinking, batt left 1%.

G'nights all!

PS : Very POP today is fun with the gaga-madness people. they're friendly. YES I GOT NEW FRIENDSS!!!!!!! :D update tomorrow too! :D


Anonymous said...

They say that in those cases where you die die have to relieve yet stuck in a place, your can bottle down a can of isotonic drink to help buy you somemore time.
Your condition sounds bad. Mus be lack of food n slp. Try eatin your meals regularly, no fast food for 2 wks.
Anyway hope you enjoy your POP.

bloodylife.JACQUALINE said...

hey, whoever you are, but thanks for the advise. but guess it's just some gastric flu going on. i'm pretty much better now, still feels nauseous though. and guess i'm really lack of sleep due to exams. =x

yea i did enjoy the POP event. it's great. :)