
My photo
you don't have to know me, you probably can't judge me either. i'm neither simple nor complicated. just a normal living that you, unfortunately, come across with.
how much memories are been gained in every step of life?
how much of these memories are being recalled when looking through?
did those memories bring back wants, silly laughters, regrets and tears to you?
but mine did.

why do these memories bring tears and regrets to me?
making me regret of not holding it tight and hold on.
making those eyes teary yet holding back.
i guess, it's something that i just couldn't control.

if i could get back to the past, will i have made that very decision?
but, i can't even get back to the past.
so why should i have regrets and think about those "if"?
there's nothing much to be done actually.

looking back at those old pictures, memories are being brought.
we may cry, laugh, regret and wanting for more.
but what else can be done?

i do treasure those memories.
i seriously do.
i'm sorry for not holding on and giving in.
i should have do my part.

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