
My photo
you don't have to know me, you probably can't judge me either. i'm neither simple nor complicated. just a normal living that you, unfortunately, come across with.
dreams that includes, nightmare.

do you just know how irritating it is?!
i got out of my bed at 8, went to bath.
in the meantime, i've being rubbing my eyes.

it's normal for me to rub my eyes when i wake up.
bad habit, i know.

when i'm going through my daily routine,
i pissed by what i saw, my left eye is like super red.
not the veins that became bloodshot red, but the whole of the white part became red.
and it keep tearing and really itchy.

right side, normal

left side, after eye drop.
swollen with a tad of redness.

tell me, it's irritating.
i'm up and preparing for school.
but i can't go school cause of this.
it itch like madness and super watery.

doctor said it's my fringe is too long.
hence, causing this infection and may as due to my daily wear of contact lens.
no contact lens for me this couple of days,
and a need for haircut.

tell me this sucks.
i just wanna go school and do my overdued stuff right.
i wished i can just dig my eyes out and disinfect it.
i'm pissed, super.

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